July 24th + 25th from 7-9PM ET

We know that the global crises we are living through right now are enormous. We understand that our cultures incentivize the tendency to numb or check out, and we believe that embodiment offers us the choice to live inside of our bodies. Through feeling, we can and are able to cultivate more agency, liberation and power for ourselves and our communities.

The Why Feel? workshop emerges out of a dynamic methodology that helps us reclaim feeling and diminish numbing in service of transformation from the body up and deep engagement in living systems.

This virtual workshop will be an invitation to:

  • Become a Transformational Character, whose work heals your lineages and transforms the systems and communities you are a part of 

  • Recognize the impacts of trauma and oppression on our bodies

  • Reclaim feeling and explore courage, to know ourselves more fully and live into our purpose

  • Join in practice and connection with others

  • The workshop also comes with a free 6-week exploration into our community of practice space, The Practice Ground and an additional (optional) Live Practice with Prentis and Óscar on August 1st at 12PM ET

Our teaching team for this workshop will be Prentis Hemphill, Kasha Ho, Alta Starr, and Óscar Trujillo.


Sliding Scale:
Enroll in the workshop

We value both accessibility and class analysis, and leveraging privilege to support others in our community. We ask that you pay on the scale according to your ability, in order to support access, and engage in interdependence in action. The practice of choosing a rate that is both affordable and heartfelt is a mindfulness and justice-seeking practice. We will not question your self-determined rate. 

The Solidarity Rate is for those interested in supporting the accessibility of the workshop to others, if cost becomes a barrier to participate.


  • There is no prerequisite to enroll in this workshop. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend. With your enrollment in the Why Feel? Workshop you will also gain access to our introductory Self-Guided Embodiment Basics course and The Practice Ground Community for six weeks starting July 1st 2024.

  • We ask that you attend these sessions with a learner’s stance, and that you bring thoughtful curiosity and presence to yourself and others in the community.

    Please read our community agreements below:

    • I honor the learner in me and in each of us; and I will allow space for the unruliness, mistakes or messiness that will inevitably arise on our healing journey. I engage my healing process and commitments as a living process of being a Transformational Character - someone in the process of healing myself, my lineages, and transforming the systems I inhabit with support and connection.

    • I cultivate relationship rooted in and in service of healing, transformation and care. I will be open to receiving feedback. I commit to connecting with people in this community. I commit to practicing entering conversations and relationships with self-inquiry and curiosity; to sharing from my own experience, asking questions and restrain from coaching or advising people without their consent. I hold this space as sacred and confidential.

    • I will not bring or allow anti-Blackness, xenophobia, or transphobia here. I understand that this is a multiracial space. There’s an intention in that, and a curiosity in what we can each learn from ourselves and each other in this structure.

    • I will respect the lineage, teachings and methodology of TEI. I will not share my login information, materials, or screenshots/photos of the content. I will not teach these practices. These teachings come out of many years of embodied practice and study, and we know it is compelling to try to utilize these practices with your communities. We ask that you do not teach any of the practices yourself. Feel free to utilize the Centering, resilience and gratitude practices from our website – they are often helpful prompts to develop connection and belonging with your teams and we welcome you to pass those along, please cite our work at The Embodiment Institute. Thank you in advance for honoring the lineage and study of this work. The Embodiment Institute appreciates your support in honoring our labor and the process we’ve created!

    • I cultivate presence as the foundation of choice, for relationship and for freedom. I am always in choice. While you engage in this community and workshop, we encourage you to keep things nearby that will help you process feelings as they arise (water, pets, music, etc.) If you ever need a break to let things move through, move away from the screen and help yourself reground by taking a walk, moving, dancing, listening to music, drinking water, or doing whatever you know best to take care of yourself.

    • I honor all living systems: I situate my healing process in relationship with land/place, non-human life and community both local and virtual. I reclaim feeling and diminish numbing in service of body up transformation and deep engagement in living systems. I learn from and source the past, ground in present time awareness and vision into the future through evolving purpose.

  • The live workshop will be presented as a Zoom webinar, with slides, live video of the presenters, and demos of live practices.

  • Yes, we are recording both sessions, and the recordings will be available to you until August 8th 2024. You will receive each twelve hours after each session ends, so if you miss the July 24 session, you can still watch it before the July 25 session!

  • Unfortunately, at this moment, we are only offering the course in English, but we hope to build capacity to offer it in Spanish soon.

  • We will send you an invitation to create your profile and login on July 1st.

  • Yes, live captioning will be available during the workshop, and transcripts will be made available with the recordings.

  • Yes! With your enrollment in the workshop, you will also receive a six-week trial access to our The Practice Ground community (TPG). TPG is a vibrant online practice space where we offer 2-3 live monthly practices, community chat forums and a library of embodiment practices. We will also have a follow-up live practice with Prentis and Oscar on August 1st at 12PM ET.

  • We are able to offer a full refund up until July 10, 2024.

  • Yes, the solidarity rate helps support others to access the workshop if cost is a barrier to participate. To contribute simply click on the “$400 or $500 solidarity rate” in the sliding scale drop down menu.

  • We offer a 15% discount to groups of 10+. Please fill out this form and our team will contact you with instructions on how to enroll your group.

  • Yes, we are committed supporting people and communities who don’t often have access to healing. If you are seeking a scholarship, please fill out this short form.

Meet the Team

  • Prentis Hemphill

    Prentis is a therapist, somatics teacher and facilitator, political organizer, writer and the founder of The Embodiment Institute. For over 10 years, Prentis has been working with individuals and organizations during their most challenging moments of change; navigating leadership transitions, conflict, and realigning practice with values.

  • Kasha Ho

    Kasha Hoʻokili Ho is co-founder of The Embodiment Institute, where she works with organizations to align their values with their daily work and organizational structure. She contributes to programmatic strategy, design, and operational management for TEI. She also leads the land-based learning work of TEI. Kasha uses fractal theory to assess, design, and enact new systems of collective abundance. She has been designing social change processes with communities for social, economic, and environmental justice for twenty years.

  • Alta Starr

    Alta Starr is a Somatic Coach and Bodyworker with a private practice and a lineage of training in embodied leadership and trauma healing. They support the development of methodology, programs and research on the team. Alta’s nickname “The Oracle” for her ability to voice wisdom our hearts know but often forget.

  • Óscar Trujillo

    Óscar Trujillo is an embodiment doula whose practice bridges somatic movement education, bodywork, intuitive energy reading, the expressive arts, trauma support and subtle body healing techniques with individuals, groups and movement organizations. This year Oscar has been leading monthly live practices in The Practice Ground.